ISBN: 9781781727225
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi: 25 Mawrth/March 2024
Cyhoeddwr: Seren
Fformat: Clawr Meddal/Paperback, 208x135 mm, 220 tudalen/pages
Iaith: Saesneg/English
♥ Llyfr Saesneg y Mis: Ebrill 2024
Hunangofiant cerddorol Euron Griffith, sy'n daith wyllt a gwallgof o gigiau cyntaf trychinebus i gytundebau recordio mawr, ac o dawelwch gogledd Cymru i glybiau myglyd Soho.
From disastrous first gigs, to major record deals, from North Wales to the smoky clubs of Soho, Euron Griffith's musical memoir is a roller-coaster ride wrapped in six t-shirts.
From disastrous first gigs, to major record deals, from North Wales to the smoky clubs of Soho, Euron Griffith's musical memoir is a roller-coaster ride wrapped in six t-shirts.