ISBN: 9781526635716
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi: 03 Medi/September 2023
Cyhoeddwr: Bloomsbury Publishing Ltd
Darluniwyd gan Kingsley Nebechi
Fformat: Clawr Caled/Hardback, 280x240 mm, 64 tudalen/pages
Iaith: Saesneg/English
Stori i'n goleuo am hanes a fu'n gudd mewn llyfrau hanes, i raddau helaeth, sef hanes pobl ddu ym Mhrydain. Wyddech chi fod y Prydeinwyr cyntaf yn ddu, a bod y milwyr Rhufeinig a oresgynnodd Brydain yn ddu, hefyd? Dyma daith syfrdanol a swynol drwy'r oesau i gyfarfod â'r Prydeinwyr cyntaf.
An eye-opening story of Britain, focusing on part of our past that has mostly been left out of history books: Black British history. Did you know that the first Britons were black or that some of the Roman soldiers who invaded and ruled Britain were black, too? A fascinating journey through the ages to meet those first Britons, Tudors and Georgians who existed in every walk of life.