ISBN: 9781804163917 (1804163910)
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi: 01 Awst/August 2024
Cyhoeddwr: Rily
Addaswyd/Cyfieithwyd gan Eiry Miles
Fformat: Llyfr Bwrdd/Hardback, 200x200 mm, 12 tudalen/pages
Iaith: Dwyieithog/Bilingual (Cymraeg a Saesneg)/(English/Welsh)
Canllaw cyntaf i blant bach sy'n caru byd natur. Cyhoeddwyd y llyfr hwn gan Rily mewn cydweithrediad â'r Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol. Addasiad Cymraeg gan Eiry Miles.
National Trust's My Very First Spotter's Guide nature board book with big flaps. An eye-catching new nature novelty series for babies that love spotting wildlife! This fantastic new board book builds babies' love of nature with easy-to-lift card flaps and a stimulating question-and-answer text. Where do snails live? How big is a butterfly? Join in the minibeast adventure.