ISBN: 9781917140287 (1917140282)
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi: 30 Mehefin/June 2024
Cyhoeddwr: Parthian Books
Fformat: Clawr Meddal, 199x130 mm, 180 tudalen/pages
Iaith: Saesneg/English
Am dros ugain mlynedd, bu gan Gymru, Yr Alban a Gogledd Iwerddon lywodraethau datganoledig, a fagodd hyder a rheolaeth dros adrannau polisi. Ond tynnodd ymgyrch Brexit a phandemig Covid-19 sylw cyhoeddus at eu pwerau, gan ysgogi cwestiynau sylfaenol am yr economi a rheolaeth dros ariannu.
Joe England explores the possible constitutional meltdown of a divided UK and its consequences, reflecting on Wales's position as the poorest nation of all. As a constitutional crisis looms, this book contemplates a reimagined Wales and what that would mean for its people. This is the story of how Wales reached an economic and constitutional crossroads and the choices that must now be made.