Cyfres Goleuo'r Dudalen: Gwyliau a Dathliadau gan Carron Brown

Cyfres Goleuo'r Dudalen: Gwyliau a Dathliadau gan Carron Brown

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ISBN: 9781849676267 (1849676267)

Dyddiad Cyhoeddi: 08 Hydref/October 2021

Cyhoeddwr: Rily

Darluniwyd gan Ipek KonakAddaswyd/Cyfieithwyd gan Elin Meek

Fformat: Clawr Caled/Hardback, 265x265 mm, 36 tudalen/pages

Iaith: Cymraeg/Welsh

Addas i oed 0-7 neu Cyfnod Allweddol 1/Suitable for ages 0-7years or KS1


Beth mae pobl yn ei ddathlu ym mhedwar ban y byd? Goleua'r dudalen a chei weld ... O dân gwyllt a blodau coed ceirios, i Kwanzaa a dydd Santes Dwynwen, bydd pob tudalen yn mynd â thi i weld gŵyl neu ddathliad rhyfeddol.

A brand new title in our successful Welsh adaptations of the Shine A Light series, focussing on celebrations from around the world. Uncover the facts behind the celebration through hidden images that are revealed by light. First, view a full-colour scene and read about what is pictured – but what else is there? Shine a torch behind the page to reveal what is hidden.