ISBN: 9781849673938 (1849673934)
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi: 25 Awst/August 2017
Cyhoeddwr: Rily
Darluniwyd gan Helen Senior, Charlotte Jennings
Addaswyd/Cyfieithwyd gan Elin Meek
Fformat: Clawr Caled/Hard Back, 181x181 mm, 10 tudalen/pages
Iaith: Dwyieithog/Bilingual (Cymraeg a Saesneg)/(Welsh and English)
Cei godi'r fflapiau, chwarae cuddio a chael hwyl yn dysgu am liwiau gyda Sophie. Cyfle i gyffwrdd a theimlo gwahanol weadau. Pum fflap mawr i'w codi wrth chwarae pi-po ar thema lliwiau yn addasiad Cymraeg Elin Meek o'r llyfr bwrdd Sophie Peekaboo! Colours.
A Welsh adaptation by Elin Meek of Sophie Peekaboo! Colours to promote early learning by giving toddlers a hands-on experience while learning basic colours with touch and feel elements and lift-the-flap surprises. Featuring five bright and appealing spreads, this peekaboo board book is sure to keep toddlers entertained while learning necessary words and skills.