ISBN: 9781999952235 (1999952235)
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi: 08 Tachwedd/November 2023
Cyhoeddwr: H'mm Foundation
Fformat: Clawr Caled/Hardback 225x250 mm, 264 tudalen/pages
Iaith: Saesneg/English
Mae Shaping Art in Wales yn adrodd stori dau guradur arloesol a lwyddodd i ychwanegu casgliad sy'n rhan o gof diwylliannol dinas Abertawe a'r fro. Rhydd inni fewnwelediad swynol i'w chwaeth a'i syniadau, ac mae eu ffocws ar artistiaid lleol ynghyd ag artistiaid rhyngwladol yn parhau'n allweddol heddiw. Rhagair gan Karen Mackinnon.
Shaping Art in Wales tells the story of two innovative curators who were able to add a collection which forms part of the cultural memory of the city of Swansea and beyond. It gives us fascinating insight into their own tastes and ideas, and their focus on both local as well as international artists is still key today. Foreword by Karen Mackinnon.