The Royal Welsh Cookbook

The Royal Welsh Cookbook

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ISBN: 9781912654932 (1912654938)

Dyddiad Cyhoeddi: 21 Tachwedd/November 2020

Cyhoeddwr: Graffeg

Golygwyd gan Gilli Davies

Fformat: Clawr Caled/Hardback, 210x148 mm, 80 tudalen/pages

Iaith: Saesneg/English


Casgliad eclectig o ryseitiau gan aelodau catrawdau Cymreig ynghyd â'u ffrindiau, yn cynrychioli hanes hir a balch o wasanaeth ar draws y byd. Cynhwysir dros 80 o ryseitiau; cawliau, cyrsiau cyntaf, prif gyrsiau, prydau llai, pwdinau, sawsiau, pobi a diodydd.

A collection of recipes from members of the Welsh regiments together with those of families and friends. A really eclectic mix representing a long and proud history of serving and living around the world. The book has over 80 recipes: soups, starters, main meals, smaller meals, puddings, sauces, baking and drinks.