Walking the Valleys gan Peter Finch

Walking the Valleys gan Peter Finch

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ISBN: 9781781726860 (1781726868)

Dyddiad Cyhoeddi: 14 Tachwedd/November 2022

Cyhoeddwr: Seren

Fformat: Clawr Meddal, 250x193 mm, 216 tudalen/pages

Iaith: Saesneg/English

Mae Peter Finch, y bardd a'r seicoddaearyddwr, yn ymgymryd â 15 taith gerdded o gwmpas dyffrynnoedd de Cymru, gan ganolbwyntio ar nodweddion penodol ar hyd y daith a chynnig straeon difyr, yn rhai hanesyddol a chyfoes, am orffennol a phresennol yr ardaloedd. Ychwanegir at ddyfnder yr ymchwil yn y canllaw bywiog hwn gan ffotograffau John Briggs.

Poet and psychogeographer Peter Finch undertakes 15 walks around the south Wales Valleys, picking out features en route and providing interesting stories, historical and contemporary, about their past and present. His sharp eye and depth of research is illustrated by photographer John Briggs' images in a lively guide to this famous region.