ISBN: 9781526621009 (1526621002)
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi: 10 Ionawr/January 2022
Cyhoeddwr: Bloomsbury Publishing Ltd
Fformat: Clawr Meddal/Paperback, 198x129 mm, 320 tudalen/pages
Iaith: Saesneg/English
Mae'r Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf wedi dod i ben, ond nid yw'r atgofion amdano wedi diflannu. Pan fo Natty yn symud i bentref newydd i fyw, mae'n cyfarfod dau filwr sy'n brwydro yn erbyn effeithiau'r rhyfel. Ni all Huw anghofio'r erchylltra a brofodd ond ni ŵyr Johnny pwy ydyw. Nofel ddirgelwch afaelgar, hypnotig gan awdures The Valley of Lost Secrets. Addas i blant 10 -14 oed
The First World War has ended, but it hasn't gone away. When Natty moves to a new village, she meets two young soldiers who are still battling the effects of war. Huw can't forget the terrible things he's seen, but Johnny doesn't even remember who he is. A mesmerising historical mystery set in the aftermath of World War One, from the author of The Valley of Lost Secrets.
Suitable for 10 - 14 years