ISBN: 9781913996680 (1913996689)Dyddiad Cyhoeddi: 03 Tachwedd 2023
Cyhoeddwr: Gwasg y BwthynFformat: Clawr Meddal, 200x130 mm, 360 tudalenIaith: Cymraeg
♥ Llyfr y Mis: Tachwedd 2023
Cofiant unigryw yn y Gymraeg gan awdur ifanc sy'n ein tywys ar daith ddadlennol a phersonol. Mae Malachy Edwards yn wynebu ei hunaniaeth hil-gymysg, aml-ddiwylliedig a chrefyddol wrth olrhain hanes ei deulu yn Iwerddon a Barbados. Yn gefndir i'r gyfrol mae ein hanes diweddar ni, yn cynnwys Brecsit a Chofid-19. Mae'n ysgrifennu'n onest am brofiadau mawr ei fywyd megis geni ei blant.
A unique autobiography by a young author that leads us on a revealing, personal journey. Malachy Edwards faces his mixed-race, multi-cultural and religious identity while tracing his family history in Ireland and Barbados. With the background of our recent history, including Brexit and Covid-19, he writes honestly about life's great experiences such as the birth of his children.
A unique autobiography by a young author that leads us on a revealing, personal journey. Malachy Edwards faces his mixed-race, multi-cultural and religious identity while tracing his family history in Ireland and Barbados. With the background of our recent history, including Brexit and Covid-19, he writes honestly about life's great experiences such as the birth of his children.